Career Arcs paper wins Phil Andrews award at PEARC22!

Career Arcs WG members presented our paper “Understanding Factors that Influence Research Computing and Data Careers” at the PEARC22 conference in Boston. The paper was awarded Best Full Paper, Workforce Development, Training, Diversity, and Education, as well as the Phil Andrews award, granted to a manuscript deemed to be the most impactful in practice of research computing. See also the University of Central Florida post and the CI Compass post.

The primary objective of this research was to identify factors that attract professionals into the field of research computing and data, factors that influence their career advancements or changes within the RCD field, and factors that cause them to leave and pursue other fields.

Ranking of factors defining “Advancement”, sliced by RCD Career Stage.
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Who We (RCD Professionals) Are

Thanks to the 563 RCD professionals who took the 2021 Workforce Survey, we have a better understanding of who we are as a community.

The first results from the survey were presented at PEARC22 – Characterizing the US Research Computing and Data (RCD) Workforce – and the data is available on Zenodo. While you can make your own data visualizations, there are now also visualizations of the results available on the RCD Nexus site that you’re welcome to use.

Here’s a preview:




Visit the RCD Nexus data page for more!


In lieu of July calls for most People Network tracks, make sure to check out the below events next week at PEARC22, all of which are a direct result of CaRCC-associated efforts for the RCD community. (See the full PEARC22 schedule here.)

Sunday, July 10:

  • RCD Nexus Day (colocated event), all-day parallel sessions on student/staff workforce development and on the RCD Capabilities Model ‘Essentials’ version

Tuesday, July 12:

  • Campus Research Computing Consortium (CaRCC) Town Hall (panel, organization update)
    10:30 AM-12:00 PM, White Hill Room
  • Understanding Factors that Influence Research Computing and Data Careers (Best Full Paper, Workforce Track; Phil Andrews Award)
    3:00 PM-3:30 PM, The Loft
  • Characterizing the US Research Computing and Data (RCD) Workforce (paper)
    3:30 PM-4:00 PM, The Loft
  • Words Matter! Progress in Promoting Inclusion through Language in Advanced Research Computing (panel; CaRCC represented among other organizations)
    5:00 PM-6:00 PM, The Loft

Thursday, July 14

  • Plenary and Awards (above RCD Career Arcs paper receiving Phil Andrews award!)
    10:00 AM-12:30 PM  Ballroom A

We hope to see you there!

Certified Cyberinfrastructure Facilitator Training and Development (CCIFTD) BoF at PEARC22

Attending PEARC22? Don’t miss this birds of a feather (BoF) session organized by Henry Neeman (University of Oklahoma), Dana Brunson (Internet2), and Dirk Colbry (Michigan State University).

Thursday, July 14 from 9-10am in the Berkeley/Clarendon rooms

Overview: The Certified Cyberinfrastructure Facilitator
Training and Development (CCIFTD) program is a first-of-its- kind, non matriculated certification of professional development for CI Facilitators. CCIFTD’s role is to attest to proficiency in core skills needed for facilitating computing/data-intensive research, across all Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. The emphasis is on crucial professional/interpersonal skills, and complementary CI technical topics. CCIFTD focuses on establishing both (a) the set of skills and (b) a means for determining whether a CI Facilitator has these skills.

Motivation: The CI workforce suffers from a critical deficit of CI Facilitators, the CI professionals who work directly with researchers to advance computing/data-intensive aspects of their research. a vital role at many research institutions. Currently, there is a clear sense of the nature and value of the CI Facilitator role, but no well-defined set of skills agreed upon by the CI Facilitator community at large.

Methodology: 1. Determine the skills that are most valuable
for CI Facilitation, by surveying (i) experienced
CI Facilitators, (ii) CI organization leaders such as
supercomputing center directors, and (iii) STEM researchers
who use CI. 2. For each such skill, develop a badge,
specifically a training mechanism, an examination instrument,
and its scoring rubric, via pilot testing at workshops and
online. 3. Construct certification pathways, subsets of badges
that collectively merit certification. 4. Test badging methods.
5. Evaluate the CCIFTD program, both formatively during this
pilot project and summatively at the end, to improve CCIFTD
as it progresses and to determine how successful it has been.

Welcome to CaRCC

The Campus Research Computing Consortium is an organization of research computing and data (RCD) and related professionals serving to:

  • Advocate for and advance the RCD profession
  • Build and foster an inclusive RCD community
  • Establish and promote leading practices and encourage sharing of expertise and resources across the RCD community
  • Facilitate collaboration and partnerships within the RCD community and connect the broader RCD ecosystem 
  • Offer expert feedback and strategic direction to support campus leadership and funding agencies
  • Support RCD workforce development, student activities, and instruction
  • Provide professional materials, education, and career resources via RCD Nexus

* Research computing & data involves people, scholarship, and resources… (more…)

CaRCC Activities at PEARC21

Greetings to members of the Campus Research Computing (CaRCC) Communities!

The PEARC21 Virtual Conference (July 19-22) is almost here. Be sure to attend the many great workshops, tutorials, presentations, and panels from persons in the community. And here are some of the CaRCC-related activities you won’t want to miss:

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July People Network/RCD Community Calls and RCD Survey

Greetings, members of the Campus Research Computing Consortium (CaRCC) People Network and beyond! 

Before you mark your calendars, I want to make sure you saw the opportunity to participate in a study of the Research Computing and Data Workforce.  Please also share this with others on your teams and relevant communities: 

Mark your calendars for these upcoming People Network Calls. For handy calendar entries, please try the CaRCC Events Calendar.

We’d also like to highlight other calls from our RCD Ecosystem partners and collaborators, as these events touch many, if not all, in our community.

Finally, we have brief information about CaRCC and the People Network. If you’re not on our mailing lists, please fill out our Join the People Network form

Continue reading “July People Network/RCD Community Calls and RCD Survey”

New NSF award for Research Computing and Data Resource and Career Center

We’re delighted to announce NSF funding for a pilot CoE to build upon the work of several CaRCC working groups and advance support for RCD Professionals.

The new Research Computing and Data Resource and Career Center will create tools, practices, and professional development resources to support individuals and institutions. The main areas of emphasis include:

The RCD Resource and Career Center portal will gather these and related tools and resources together to support the community. We will place strong emphasis on helping to bridge the gap for smaller institutions that are struggling to get RCD programs started to support their researchers.

We are also excited to continue the work together with the various organizations that currently support RCD professionals and coordinate our respective work to provide a clear voice advocating for the profession. 

 Read the full announcement on the Internet2 website.

PEARC20 – Call for Participation: First deadline January 22, 2020

Sharing on behalf of the PEARC20 Program Committee:

Deadlines: (Updated Jan 8)

  • January
    • January 22nd: Tutorial submissions due
    • January 22nd: Workshop submissions due
  • February: 
    • February 17th: Technical track full paper submissions due
    • February 17th: Lightning Talk Abstracts submissions due
    • February 24th: Student technical track full paper submissions due
  • April
    • April 24th: Poster submissions due 
    • April 24th: Student posters submissions due 
  • May
    • May 1st: Panel submissions due
    • May 1st: BOF submissions due
    • May 1st: Viz Showcase submissions due
    • May 15th: All camera-ready submissions due

PEARC20 will explore the current Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, including modeling, simulation, and data-intensive computing. PEARC20 will be in Portland, OR from July 26th-30th, 2020. This year’s theme, “Catch the Wave,” embodies the spirit of the community’s drive to stay in front of the new waves in technology, analytics, data, visualization, and a globally connected and diverse workforce. 

PEARC20 brings together community thought leaders, CI professionals, and students to learn, share ideas, and craft the infrastructure of the future. The PEARC20 student program will provide students with a range of opportunities to participate in both student activities and the full technical program so that they may share their research efforts and gain insights and inspiration from like-minded individuals at the conference.

For more information, visit

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