Watch the video: The National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) by Katie Antypas

You can now watch the video of the CaRCC special presentation by Katie Antypas, office director in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure about the recently announced National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) pilot project. The presentation took place on March 28 and quickly reached capacity, as our most popular People Network virtual event to date. Our thanks to Katie and to the CaRCC community for making this an informative and engaging event!

CaRCC Special Presentation: The National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) by Katie Antypas 

Thursday, March 28, 2024   at 2PM ET/1PM CT/12PM MT/11AM PT

Message for link to Zoom meeting.

Join us for a presentation by Katie Antypas, office director in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure about the recently announced National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) pilot project. NAIRR envisions “a shared national research infrastructure for responsible discovery and innovation in AI.” The effort is led by the NSF and includes 10 additional federal agencies and 25 non-governmental partner organizations. The pilot assembles and provides access to technologies and tools to enable U.S. research and education including: computational, data, software, modeling, and user support resources. NAIRR “aims to ensure that AI resources and tools are accessible to the broad research and education communities in a manner that advances trustworthy AI and protects privacy, civil rights and civil liberties.” 

Katie Antypas, Division Deputy, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), photographed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), 06/06/2023. Thor Swift | Credit: Thor Swift - Photographer Copyright: © The Regents of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Thor Swift | Credit: Thor Swift - Photographer Copyright: © The Regents of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Katie Antypas Credit: Thor Swift – Photographer Copyright: © The Regents of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Katie Antypas, Office Director, National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure

Prior to her role at the NSF, Antypas served at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC) Center at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for 17 years in a variety of roles including NERSC Division Deputy, Project Director for NERSC’s large scale High Performance Computing system acquisitions, Director of Hardware and Integration of the Exascale Computing Project, Data Department Head and User Services Group Lead. She remains a Berkeley Lab employee but is on assignment to the NSF through the Intergovernmental Personnel Act. Before coming to NERSC in 2006, Katie worked at the Flash Center at the University of Chicago on the FLASH code, a highly scalable, parallel, adaptive mesh refinement astrophysics application. She has an M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Chicago and a bachelors in Physics from Wellesley College.

2024 CaRCC Parade — Bring Your Colleagues to CaRCC!

It’s that time of year again! Save the date for our 2024 CaRCC Parade on Tuesday, January 23 at 4pm ET / 3pm CT / 2pm MT /1pm PT.  We will introduce CaRCC for newcomers, talk about the year ahead for CaRCC, and describe opportunities for existing and new members to get more involved. It’s a great way to stay connected with the CaRCC community or kickstart your involvement in CaRCC.

Bring your Colleagues to CaRCC!   

Do you have colleagues you think should learn about and become involved with CaRCC? Have you added someone new to your team this year who may not know about CaRCC? What better way to introduce newcomers than to invite them to our 2024 CaRCC Parade where they can learn more about CaRCC and hear directly from group coordinators. 

Please also invite them to fill out our Join the People Network form and join our Slack channels to get in the loop about CaRCC activities and events. 
You, our members, are the most powerful tool we have to reach others in RCD, and we believe your colleagues will benefit from making new connections through CaRCC.

So please, bring your colleagues to CaRCC!

Minding the Gap: EPSCoR CI Workshop report released

The CaRCC Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Cyberinfrastructure (CI) working group has released a new report, Minding the Gap: Leveraging Cyberinfrastructure to Transform EPSCoR Jurisdictions, based on outcomes from the 2022 EPSCoR CI workshop series. EPSCoR is a National Science Foundation (NSF) program with “a mission to enhance the research competitiveness of targeted jurisdictions by strengthening science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) capacity and capability through a diverse portfolio of investments from talent development to local infrastructure.”  

The CaRCC report includes recommendations for both the NSF and EPSCoR jurisdictions and complements the workshop Working Group’s 2022 assessment-focused report, A Baseline of EPSCoR Research CI Capabilities

What does the report recommend? 

Read more below to see a summary of the recommendations. To see the detailed recommendations, read the full report. 

Continue reading “Minding the Gap: EPSCoR CI Workshop report released”

People Network and Other Community Calls in November

Mark your calendars for these upcoming People Network and other community calls.

Did you know that the month of November has a Geography Awareness Week and a GIS Day? To celebrate the role of the RCD community in supporting geospatial work, the Data-Facing and Researcher-Facing track will have discussions dedicated to geographic awareness. Some other tracks will skip or reschedule this month, to avoid holidays or conferences (see below).

Also note a special cross-track call on REDCap, per recent interest and discussion within the People Network email list.

For handy calendar entries, try the CaRCC Events Calendar. If you’re not on our mailing lists, please fill out our Join the People Network form which will also invite you to join our Slack workspace.

Community-Organized Cross-Track Discussion on REDCap Deployments and Data Management

Mon Nov 6th, 12p ET/ 11a CT/ 10a MT/ 9a PT
Discussion Facilitated by: Maureen Donlin (SLU School of Medicine), Melissa Cragin (Rice University)
A few weeks back on the People Network, a member asked if anyone was using REDCap for non-health/medical data. This spawned a lively discussion and one member proposed and many agreed that it was worth organizing a discussion around REDCap. There will be 3-4 short talks on various aspects of REDCap Deployment and/or use. Everyone is welcome.

Strategy and Policy-Facing Track (1st Wednesdays)

Continue reading “People Network and Other Community Calls in November”

People Network and Other Community Calls for October

Greetings Community Members! 
Mark your calendars for these upcoming People Network calls (Zoom details at the end). For handy calendar entries, try the CaRCC Events Calendar.
If you’re not on our mailing lists, please fill out our Join the People Network form and join our Slack channels.

Data-Facing Track (1st Tuesdays)

The Data Science Ethos – Infusing the research process with ethics and human dimensions
Speaker: Steve Van Tuyl, Program Manager, Academic Data Science Alliance
Tue. Sep 5, 1p ET/ 12a CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT

Continue reading “People Network and Other Community Calls for October”

Q&A about CaRCC’s new membership management tool

In the coming weeks, CaRCC will begin using a new software tool called Wild Apricot to help manage our rapidly growing membership lists, and help us communicate with you more effectively.  Wild Apricot will allow members to have greater personal control over the information they present to and receive from the CaRCC community.

Wild Apricot will not be replacing Google Drive,  Google Groups, or Slack. Although CaRCC membership lists, mailing lists, and event registrations will become centrally initiated and managed using Wild Apricot, the new system will generate and populate a Google Group –  and CaRCC will continue to use Google for document sharing, storage, and email lists as we always have.  

The following Q&A will help answer your questions about what the change means for you.

Continue reading “Q&A about CaRCC’s new membership management tool”

CaRCC Volunteer Opportunities

CaRCC is seeking volunteers for several new efforts that will have a significant impact on CaRCC and the RCD Community. This is a chance to make a real difference to the future of CaRCC. We need your help! 

Sign up for any of the following opportunities by completing this Volunteer Interest Form

  • RCD Awards Program Development
  • Budget Development and Financial Planning
  • Membership and Sponsorship Models Exploratory Group
  • Member Survey
  • Reducing Potential Redundancy and Overlap Across CaRCC

Read more to find detailed descriptions of each volunteer opportunity. 

Continue reading “CaRCC Volunteer Opportunities”

What is CaRCC?

CaRCC is an organization of dedicated professionals developing, advocating for, and advancing Research Computing and Data (RCD+), broadly defined… CaRCC is advancing the frontiers of research by improving the effectiveness of RCD+ professionals including their career development and visibility, and their ability to deliver services & resources for researchers.

CaRCC/RCD Nexus 2022 Retrospective

Greetings, research computing and data (RCD) professionals! As we usher in the New Year, CaRCC and RCD Nexus would like to take a moment to look back on and celebrate some of our community’s exciting accomplishments in 2022: 

To formalize and ensure community input and evaluation, CaRCC formed a new Advisory Committee and held its first annual meeting in January, 2022. The group consists of 12 members selected for their leadership and expertise within the broader RCD and cyberinfrastructure landscape. The group is instrumental in long-term planning as CaRCC continues a period of rapid growth. 

We ramped up the work of our RCD Nexus NSF Cyberinfrastructure Center of Excellence (CI CoE) pilot grant, and began to provide more resources than ever before to both the CaRCC and broader RCD community. The RCD Nexus website currently serves as the CaRCC Career and Resource Center. 

In May, 2022, CaRCC activity leaders, advisory committee members, and peers from across the RCD community met in Denver and joined remotely for a Strategic Planning Meeting. The meeting included discussion around CaRCC’s role in defining a framework for an RCD-CI professional society.

CaRCC has helped to facilitate the RCD Community Builders Group, a collaborative effort among nine RCD-CI organizations working together to support the community at-large. The group has been meeting monthly since March 2022. Additionally, CaRCC has formalized a partnership and collaboration with the CASC organization and had two meetings and presentations during which the groups discussed opportunities for collaboration. 

Continue reading “CaRCC/RCD Nexus 2022 Retrospective”