CaRCC Leadership Resolves to Develop Incorporation Plan

The Campus Research Computing Consortium (CaRCC) is excited to announce that during the CaRCC Annual Leadership Retreat in Arlington, VA, from October 13-15, 2025, the CaRCC Chairs, Track Coordinators, and Advisory Committee reached consensus to develop a plan and timeline for obtaining an interim fiscal sponsor/partnership agreement with an existing organization. This is part of a long-term goal to establish CaRCC as an independently incorporated 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. A comprehensive report on the Retreat activities will be released soon; in the meantime key details regarding the incorporation vote are provided in the following Q&A.

Why is CaRCC moving to incorporate?

CaRCC is experiencing rapid growth, with nearly 2,000 individuals involved in its groups, tracks, and lists. Leadership believes it is no longer feasible for CaRCC to function as an informal organization reliant solely on volunteers and donated services. Currently lacking legal organizational status, CaRCC cannot directly apply for or receive grants, accept tax deductible donations, open bank accounts, pay for services, receive funds, or employ paid staff. At present, it operates through informal agreements with partner organizations like Internet2 and the University of Utah. Leadership believes that the organization’s increasing size and complexity require interim formal sponsorship or partnership agreements as it progresses toward becoming a stand-alone 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

Will anything change about CaRCC programs, groups, services, or activities as a result of this decision?

There are no planned changes to the existing programs or operations of CaRCC due to this decision. The impact will primarily be on the administrative “back office” functions of the organization.

Will CaRCC begin charging for membership or services? 

CaRCC leadership remains committed to keeping CaRCC open for everyone to participate. We are considering donations-based membership models (including free options) and will explore accepting sponsorships for some activities. However, at this time no specific plans or decisions have been made.

What are the next steps?

CaRCC leadership has tasked the CaRCC Financial Models Group, a sub-group of the CaRCC Logistics Operations Group, with the following next steps:

  1. Research and recommend potential fiscal sponsors/partners for CaRCC as it moves toward obtaining 501(c)(3) status.
  2. Develop a plan and timeline for electing a formal board of directors, which will draft CaRCC’s bylaws and serve as its legal governing body, as required for 501(c)(3) status.
  3. Create a plan and timeline for CaRCC to obtain 501(c)(3) status as a stand-alone organization.

The Financial Models Group will hold a CaRCC Town Hall to gather community feedback before finalizing their recommendations. The CaRCC Chairs will then review and come to consensus on any and all proposed plans.

How can I help?

Join us at the Town Hall and share your input! We will announce the date and time soon. If you can’t attend, we will also provide opportunities for asynchronous communication with the group. Your feedback is crucial in shaping a plan that best serves you, our community.