NSF announces National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) pilot resources now available

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has announced that NAIRR pilot resources are now open and available to the community on nairrpilot.org

Resources include:

  • advanced computing systems
  • cloud computing platforms
  • access to models, software and privacy enhancing technology tools and collaborations to train models
  • and education platforms. 

This opportunity includes access to cutting-edge resources contributed by the pilot’s nongovernmental partners, including Microsoft, Amazon Web Services, NVIDIA, SambaNova Systems, Cerebras, OpenAI, Anthropic, Groq, EleutherAI, OpenMined, Hugging Face and Vocareum.

In addition, the research community will have the opportunity to access resources from additional NSF advanced computing platforms at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, the National Center for Supercomputer Applications, the San Diego Supercomputer Center and the Texas Advanced Computing Center as well as systems at Purdue University, Indiana University and Texas A&M University.

Notably, this second opportunity provides access to online interactive notebooks for educators and instructors to use in classrooms or for student projects.  

How to Apply:

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Register now! Free Virtual Residency Workshop on Research Computing

Do you want to learn how to better help researchers at your institution use research technologies? Would you like to make professional connections and meet others working in the field of research computing facilitation?

The Virtual Residency Summer Introductory Workshop on Research Computing Facilitation is designed to sharpen your skills and connect you with colleagues. Registration is now open for the free workshop that will take place on Zoom June 26 – 30.

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2017-2018 Committees

CaRCC developed an initial set of committees in October 2017 to focus on four areas as prioritized by a survey that reached a fairly broad audience of research computing and CI professionals, and these are listed below. If you are involved with CaRCC and interested in helping out on one or more committees, let us know at help@carcc.org!

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