Greetings to each of you on this cusp of Halloween. In many places the leaves are falling, and in a few there’s a glimpse of snow. Whether avoiding the cold, Halloween leftovers, or your kids’ Halloween spoils, treat yourself to one or more of the many gatherings this upcoming month! Mark your calendars for our November upcoming People Network calls and other calls from our RCD+ ecosystem peers, as these events touch many, if not all, in our community.
And save the date for our Annual CaRCC Party, scheduled for Thursday, 12/12, 1-2:30p ET/ 9-10:30a PT (the usual monthly Researcher-Facing slot). Join your fellow RCD community members for a wintery celebration with festive attire, mingling, prizes, and more! We’ll have more details coming in November.
For handy calendar entries, try the CaRCC People Network Calendar (GCal view; integrate). If you’re not on our mailing lists, you can join here and join our Slack channels.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. And enjoy!
Monthly CaRCC Welcome
Thu, 11/5, 3:30p ET/ 2:30p CT/ 1:30p MT/ 12:30p PT
Come to learn more about CaRCC’s community-powered organization and opportunities, and feel free to bring along or pass the word to colleagues. These use the same Zoom coordinates as our People Network calls (see further below).
CaRCC People Network Calls
Data-Facing Track (1st Tuesdays)
NIST Research Data Framework, Speakers Robert Hanisch and Andrea Medina-Smith
Tue 11/05, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT
The NIST Research Data Framework (RDaF) is a multifaceted and customizable tool that aims to help shape the future of open data access and research data management (RDM). The RDaF s a map of the research data space that uses a lifecycle approach with six stages to organize key information concerning RDM and research data dissemination and will allow organizations and individual researchers to develop their own RDM strategy. The RDaF is applicable from the organization to the project level and encompasses a wide array of job roles involving RDM, from executives and chief data officers to publishers, funders, and researchers. We will hear from Andrea Medina-Smith and Robert Hanisch about the RDaF, some current implementations, and how others have foreseen using the framework.
Strategy and Policy-Facing Track (1st Wednesdays)
Meetings recap: CaRCC Retreat, Fall CASC Meeting, EDUCAUSE, community discussion
Wed 11/06, 12p ET/ 11a CT/ 10a MT/ 9a PT
We will hear from folks who have gone to several fall meetings and conferences, including the Annual CaRCC Retreat, CASC, and the annual EDUCAUSE conference. We will invite a few speakers to do lightning talks to make folks aware of the content and value of the event (but not a summary of presentations or agendas), with a focus on why folks attend (or send team members), and what they think the best thing is about each meeting/conference. We’ll then open it up to everyone’s contributions and comments on these community gatherings.
Researcher-Facing Track (2nd Thursdays)
Research Process Automation with Globus, Speaker: Vas Vasiliadis, Customer Team Lead
Thu 11/14, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT
The Globus platform offers reliable and secure data management and remote computation, as well as a managed task orchestration system for automation. In this session we will provide an overview of Globus Compute, a federated FaaS platform designed for research computing, and Globus Flows, which provides secure, managed automation of complex workflows. Together, Globus Compute and Flows enable users to construct data processing pipelines that are reliably managed and executed by Globus.
Emerging Centers Track (3rd Wednesdays)
In-Person Social at SC24 in Atlanta, GA, Community Discussion
Wed 11/20, 12p ET/ 11a CT/ 10a MT/ 9a PT/ 7a HT
For those community members attending SC24 in Atlanta, GA, we’ll pick a gathering spot (TBD) to meet up during lunch and see everyone in-person! Bring your favorite, most interesting, or most surprising information you’ve learned at SC to the meeting and we can share. Keep your eyes on the Emerging Centers email list for the location. Sign up for the email list at
Systems-Facing Track (3rd Thursdays)
No call this month. See you all at SC24!!
NB! Our Track is seeking volunteers to join our Steering Committee. This is especially a great opportunity for someone who’s early career to grow their network and experience with community organizing. Feel free to share this with others that you think would be a good match and could benefit from this opportunity. Learn more about the role and let us know you’re interested at
Additional Community Opportunities
Tue 11/12, 1p ET/ 10a PT (2nd Tuesdays): RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours. Have questions about getting started, completing, or benchmarking data from the Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model? Or do you have suggestions for improvements? Meeting coordinates: Zoom Session URL. Join the mailing list or send questions to
Tue 11/12, 2p ET/ 1p CT/ 12p MT/ 11a PT (2nd Tuesdays): RCD Staff and Student Workforce Development Interest Groups. No call this month. For those of you who are at SC this year, we hope to see you in person at the Coffee with CaRCC event. Join the Interest Group mailing list.
Wed 11/13, 2p ET/ 11a PT (2nd Wednesdays): Regulated Research Community of Practice (RRCoP) Community Discussions. On Nov 13th @ 2 pm ET / 11 am PT, the topic will be “Expanding your communications channels – Do you know your campus government relations team?” Please use this Zoom link, and contact or Carolyn Ellis with any questions.
Thu 11/14, 12p ET/ 9a PT (2nd Thursdays/2nd Fridays): US Research Software Engineers monthly community call. See for more information.
Mon 4p ET/ 3p CT/ 2p MT/ 1p PT (every Monday): OSG Consortium / PATh Project host weekly Campus Office Hours, Mondays at 3:00–3:30 pm US Central Time. You are invited to join us any week. For more information, please contact Christina Koch.
CaRCC Calls, Zoom, and Details
All CaRCC People Network calls will take place within a Zoom room communicated via email and visible in the CaRCC People Network google calendar (see top). Please help us keep these details secure (non-public), but feel free to share with a colleague.
Interested members of the People Network need not subscribe to a particular track to participate in calls. Additional details for track members, including notes documents and any pre-call activities, will be distributed ahead of the call via the email lists and other communication channels within each track.