Whatever your feelings about Valentine’s Day, you’re going to love this month’s CaRCC calls and these events from across the RCD ecosystem! Mark your calendars for these upcoming People Network calls (Zoom details at the end). As usual, we wish to highlight other calls from our RCD ecosystem peers, as these events touch many, if not all, in our community.
For handy calendar entries, try the CaRCC People Network Calendar (GCal view; integrate). If you’re not on our mailing lists, you can join here and join our Slack channels.
Monthly CaRCC Welcome
Tue, 2/4, 2p ET/ 1p CT/ 12p MT/ 11a PT (1st Thu/Tue)
Come to learn more about CaRCC’s community-powered organization and opportunities, and feel free to bring along or pass the word to colleagues. These use the same Zoom coordinates as our People Network calls (see further below).
CaRCC People Network Calls
Data-Facing Track (1st Tuesdays)
Tue 2/4, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT
Insights from the Realities of Academic Data Sharing (RADS) initiative
Cynthia Hudson Vitale- Assoc. Dean for Technology Strategy & Digital Services, Johns Hopkins University
Fernando Rios – Research Data Management Specialist at the University of Arizona Libraries
Shawna Taylor – Project Manager, Open Science, at the Association of Research Libraries (ARL)
Researchers from the Realities of Academic Data Sharing (RADS) initiative will provide an overview of the costs of research data sharing, highlighting the significant investments institutions make in services and infrastructure to support researchers. Although data management and sharing costs are being incurred by both the institution and researchers, early findings in new RADS research reveals that many NIH-funded researchers currently budget $0 for data management and sharing expenses, creating challenges as policy mandates take effect. The current, expanded RADS cohort builds on this work by further refining cost and expense models and detailing additional organizational models for research data infrastructure and services
Strategy and Policy-Facing Track (1st Wednesdays)
Wed 2/5, 12p ET/ 11a CT/ 10a MT/ 9a PT
Round robin discussion and 2025 preview
We want to take this month to hear a bit about what everyone is up to and plan for the upcoming year. This session will be a general sharing and free-form conversation about where we’ve been and where we’re going. We’d love to hear about projects that people are working on currently, new developments, or persistent challenges. We’ll give a quick preview of our planned topics and take suggestions for additional topics you’d like to see the track take on.
Researcher-Facing Track (2nd Thursdays)
Thu 2/13, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT
AlphaFold: A Research and Resource Management Perspective
Justin A. Bosch, Assistant Professor, Department of Human Genetics, Univ. of Utah School of Medicine
Brian Gregor, Boston University, Lead Research Computing Applications & Data Analyst
On our February call, we will explore the groundbreaking capabilities of AlphaFold, an advanced artificial intelligence (AI) tool designed to predict the 3D structure of proteins. Justin Bosch, a Human Genetics Researcher from the University of Utah, will provide an insightful primer on AlphaFold, highlighting its role in his research. Additionally, we will delve into the support and resource management perspective from supercomputing staff, discussing how to facilitate the effective use of this powerful AI tool in scientific research.
Emerging Centers Track (3rd Wednesdays)
Wed 2/26, 12p ET/ 11a CT/ 10a MT/ 9a PT/ 7a HT – Note time change to a week later than usual
Research Computing for Smaller Institutions (RCSI) Conference Update
Jason Simms, Research Computing Manager, Swarthmore College
The 2024 Research Computing for Smaller Institutions (RCSI) conference brought together 83 registrants from 61 unique institutions to discuss topics of relevance to smaller and under-resourced institutions. We will share major outcomes of this event and share next steps, including ways in which larger institutions can address some of the identified key challenges, as we look forward to the upcoming 2025 iteration to be held in June.
Systems-Facing Track (3rd Thursdays)
Thu 02/20, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT
Openstack Operators Discuss Life With Openstack
Recent changes to VMware licensing terms has many organizations considering moving away from the platform. OpenStack has evolved over the past 15 years since its inception to be a viable replacement. A panel of operators from the CaRCC community with diverse experience deploying, upgrading, operating, and troubleshooting OpenStack will discuss what it’s really like to run OpenStack in their environments.
Additional Community Opportunities
Tue 2/11, 1p ET/ 10a PT (2nd Tuesdays): RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours. Have questions about getting started, completing, or viewing benchmarking data with the Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model? Or are you already working with it and want to discuss suggestions for improvements you’d like to see? Meeting coordinates: Zoom Session URL. Join the capsmodel-discuss@carcc.org mailing list or send questions to capsmodel-help@carcc.org.
Tue 2/11, 2p ET/ 1p CT/ 12p MT/ 11a PT (2nd Tuesdays): RCD Staff and Student Workforce Development Interest Groups. Topic: In this call we … Zoom Session URL (Meeting ID: 867 2543 9159 passcode 165236). Join the Interest Group mailing list.
Wed 2/12, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT (2nd Wednesdays): AI Facilitation Interest Group. Topic: Active NAIRR EAGER Grants Zoom Session URL (Meeting ID: 867 2543 9159 passcode 165236) & Agenda. Message ai-facilitation-ig-chairs@carcc.org for questions or join the Interest Group mailing list.
Wed 2/12, 2p ET/ 11a PT (2nd Wednesdays): Regulated Research Community of Practice (RRCoP) Community Discussions. This month, the topic will be Tackling NIST 800-171 HPC Challenges: Insight and Lessons Learned. Please use this Zoom link, and contact info@regulatedresearch.org or Carolyn Ellis with any questions.
Fri 2/14, 12p ET/ 9a PT (2nd Thursdays/2nd Fridays): US Research Software Engineers monthly community call. See https://us-rse.org/calendar/ for more information.
Thu 2/27, 1p ET/ 10a PT (4th Thursdays of even months): EDUCAUSE Research Computing and Data Community Group will have its monthly community call. See the Events tab within EDUCAUSE Connect for more information.
Mon 4p ET/ 3p CT/ 2p MT/ 1p PT (every Monday): OSG Consortium / PATh Project host weekly Campus Office Hours, Mondays at 3:00–3:30 pm US Central Time. You are invited to join us any week. https://osg-htc.org/campus-office-hours-zoom. For more information, please contact Christina Koch.
CaRCC Calls and Zoom
All CaRCC People Network calls will take place within a Zoom room communicated via email and visible in the CaRCC People Network Google calendar (see top). Please help us keep these details secure (non-public), but feel free to share with a colleague.
Interested members of the People Network need not subscribe to a particular track to participate in calls. Additional details for track members, including notes documents and any pre-call activities, will be distributed ahead of the call via the email lists and other communication channels within each track.