Research Computing and Data (RCD) Monthly – March 2025

Meet the CaRCC Transitional Board Members

CaRCC Chairs and Steering Committee Members voted to elect a Transitional Board, taking an important first step toward CaRCC’s longterm goal of becoming a 501(c(3) nonprofit organization.

All things AI: March Roundup

See this month’s quick-hit updates on the NSF NAIRR Pilot project, and a range of AI-related announcements from CaRCC and the RCD ecosystem.

March Events & Call Topics

Mark your caledars for this month’s People Network and CaRCC Activity Group Calls! 

Finding the Sweet Spot: How Cornell provides reliable, high quality services while maintaining time to grow and innovate

Nestled in the picturesque Finger Lakes region of upstate New York, Cornell University is an Ivy League and Land Grant institution renowned for its engineering and medical research. In the fiscal year 2023-2024, it reported $1.22 billion in funded research. CaRCC spoke with Rich Knepper, Director of the Center for Advanced Computing (CAC), to learn more about the services and support they offer to Cornell researchers. The following Q&A has been edited for brevity and clarity.

CaRCC  is an organization of research computing and data 
(RCD) and related professionals. Joining CaRCC is free.

RCD Monthly is a newsletter dedicated to the Research Computing and Data (RCD) professional community and others who work to support research using technology. This work is supported by grants OAC- 2436057 and OAC-2100003. Any opinions, finding, and conclustions or recommendations expressed in this material are thos of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation

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