September People Network Calls and Other Community Gatherings

Mark your calendars for these upcoming People Network calls (Zoom details at the end). We also highlight other calls from our RCD+ ecosystem collaborators, as these events touch many, if not all, in our community.

For handy calendar entries, try the CaRCC People Network Calendar (GCal view; integrate). If you’re not on our mailing lists, you can join here and join our Slack channels.

Monthly CaRCC Welcome

Thu, 9/5, 3:30p ET/ 2:30p CT/ 1:30p MT/ 12:30p PT

Come to learn more about CaRCC’s community-powered network and opportunities, and feel free to bring along or pass the word to colleagues. Same Zoom coordinates as our People Network calls (see further below).

CaRCC People Network Calls

Data-Facing Track (1st Tuesdays)

The Intersection of AI and Cybersecurity, Zoe Braiterman, Chief Information Officer of Mutual Knowledge Systems
Tue 9/03, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT
This talk will provide an overview of the following aspects of the intersection of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI).
– AI Use Cases for Cybersecurity
– Limitations of AI
– AI Security Risks and Warnings
– AI Security Defenses

Strategy and Policy-Facing Track (1st Wednesdays)

Who makes decisions for campus RCD programs? A Community discussion.
Wed 9/4, 12p ET/ 11a CT/ 10a MT/ 9a PT
The CaRCC Strategy and Policy-Facing track and the EDUCAUSE RCD CG jointly invite you to an open discussion on how RCD reporting and organizational structures as well as models for advisory groups impact budget planning and decision-making for Research Computing and Data programs on your campus. We will share perspectives and stories from a range of different institutions, and encourage you to contribute to (and learn from) our collective experience.

Researcher-Facing Track (2nd Thursdays)

Topic: Application Installation Support
Thu 9/12, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT
Speakers and abstract details will be forthcoming.

Emerging Centers Track (3rd Wednesdays)

Responding to the Emerging Centers PEARC24 BoF, Community Discussion
Wed 9/18, 12p ET / 11a CT / 10a MT / 9a PT / 7a HT
We had a great discussion on what the future could hold for the Emerging Centers (EC) track at our PEARC24 BoF. The EC Steering Committee has had a bit of time to think about that discussion and would now like community feedback on three themes we saw emerge:

  1. Improving participation and representation of non-R1 institutions in the EC Track,
  2. Creating resources to help emerging centers grow, and
  3. Building and strengthening connections between established and emerging centers.

The Steering Committee has a few potential ideas for actions to take to seed the conversation, but we look forward to new ideas from the community as well as feedback on our ideas.

Systems-Facing Track (3rd Thursdays)

On-Premises Storage Solutions and Growth Projection in Research Computing, Derick Thomas Haigh, HPC Operations Engineer, Penn State Institution for Computational and Data Sciences
Thu 9/19, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT

Research storage has historically been dominated by on-premises parallel storage systems, however the last decade has seen this dominance disrupted. Cloud storage is now entrenched in the research world, and while the high-cost of these services are now more understood – the expectations of the features available through cloud storage vendors, such as scalability, multi-protocol support, and growth forecasting, are being transferred onto on-premises research storage systems.

This presentation will cover the on-premises storage solutions chosen by Penn State, the factors that led them to select these solutions (such as performance, scalability, and cost-effectiveness), and the approaches necessary for planning future storage capacity. A case study will be shared, covering a scalable, high-performance storage solution that supports both current demands and projected growth.

Additional Community Opportunities

Tue 9/10 11a ET/ 8a PT (2nd Tuesdays): RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours. Have questions about getting started, completing, or viewing benchmarking data with the Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model?  Or are you already working with it and want to discuss suggestions for improvements you’d like to see? Meeting coordinates: Zoom Session URL. Join the mailing list or send questions to

Tue 9/10, 2p ET/ 1p CT/ 12p MT/ 11a PT (2nd Tuesdays): RCD Staff and Student Workforce Development Interest Groups. Developing a RCD Workforce Resource Catalog.  In this call we present the work done at the 2024 RCD Nexus Day “People” workshop to start an RCD professional development resource catalog, categorized and prioritized for different audiences (pre-career/new or experienced individuals, teams, and communities). We will spend some time brainstorming additional ways of organizing the catalog for different learning scenarios. We will then work together on a plan to develop and sustain the resource catalog further with a new CaRCC working group.  Zoom Session URL (Meeting ID: 867 2543 9159 passcode 165236). Join the Interest Group mailing list.

Wed 9/11, 2p ET/ 11a PT (2nd Wednesdays): Regulated Research Community of Practice (RRCoP) Community Discussions. On September 11 2024 @ 2 pm ET / 11 am PT, the topic will be EDUCAUSE Policy Overview. Please use this Zoom link, and contact or Carolyn Ellis with any questions.

Thu 9/12, 12p ET/ 9a PT (2nd Thursdays/2nd Fridays): US Research Software Engineers monthly community call. See for more information.

Mon 4p ET/ 3p CT/ 2p MT/ 1p PT (every Monday): OSG Consortium / PATh Project host weekly Campus Office Hours, Mondays at 3:00–3:30 pm US Central Time. You are invited to join us any week. For more information, please contact Christina Koch.

CaRCC Calls and Zoom

All CaRCC People Network calls will take place within a Zoom room communicated via email and visible in the CaRCC People Network google calendar (see top). Please help us keep these details secure (non-public), but feel free to share with a colleague.