People Network and Community Calls for August 2024

Greetings to all members of the CaRCC People Network and others in the RCD Community!

Given the number of community members that were not able to attend PEARC24 – some due to global-tech-outage travel impacts…  many People Network Tracks are planning PEARC24 recap discussions, and/or joining forces in doing so. Mark your calendars for the below, including our usual run-down of calls from our RCD ecosystem partners and collaborators. 

For handy calendar entries, try the CaRCC People Network Calendar (GCal view, integrate). If you’re not on our mailing lists, you can join here and join our Slack channels.

Thank you,
Your People Network Coordinators and Track Coordinators
(care of Lauren Michael)

Monthly CaRCC Welcome

Thu, 8/6, 2-2:30p ET/ 1p CT/ 12p MT/ 11a PT
Come to learn more about CaRCC’s community-powered organization and opportunities, and feel free to bring along or pass the word to colleagues. These use the same Zoom coordinates as our People Network calls (see further below).

CaRCC People Network Calls

Data-Facing Track (1st Tuesdays)
Tue 8/6, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT
PEARC24 Recap
An informal gathering to discuss and recap events at PEARC24.  In addition to general recaps, report-outs on data-focused PEARC24 events and the Data Governance Workshop on Nexus day are welcome – all are invited to contribute.

Strategy and Policy-Facing Track (1st Wednesdays)
Wed 8/7, 12p ET/ 11a CT/ 10a MT/ 9a PT/ 7a HT
PEARC24 Recap and Reflections
We will facilitate a community discussion of what those who were able to attend PEARC saw and heard, to explore our impressions and to more broadly share the ideas with those who are not able to attend PEARC.

Researcher-Facing Track (2nd Thursdays)
Combined with August’s System-Facing (S-F) Track.

See S-F call for more details.

Systems-Facing Track (3rd Thursdays)
Thu 8/15, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT
PEARC24 Recap, Joint with the Researcher-Facing Track
Please join us for a recap of some of our favorite PEARC ‘24 topics, as well as some discussion around which topics or themes we should dedicate more focus to. This includes topics such as:
– Conversational AI interfaces for HPC
– Hardware and cloud capacity procurement strategies
– Rootless containers as the default software environment
– Graphical interfaces for HPC
– Ephemeral computing (e.g., Magic Castle)
– The student workforce supporting systems and hardware
– Research data infrastructure and support
– And other topics of your choice
For those who did not attend, this is your chance to hear more about the conference and to discuss where our communities should be exploring further.

Emerging Centers Track (3rd Wednesdays)
Wed 8/21, 12p ET/ 11a CT/ 10a MT/ 9a PT/ 7a HT
PEARC24 Recap and Emerging Centers BoF Debrief
We’ll start with a summary of the main topics of discussion during the Emerging Centers Track Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) session at PEARC24 and then solicit additional input for the future direction of the Emerging Centers Track as well as discuss some of the steering committee’s initial thoughts about how to address the feedback received. We’ll also save some time to discuss other sessions at PEARC24 that folks thought were pertinent to the Emerging Centers community.

Additional CaRCC Opportunities

Tue 8/13, 1p ET/ 10a PT (2nd Tuesdays): RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours – come and go as you please. Have questions about how to get started with the Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model? Or are you already working with it and just want to discuss the process, or your suggestions for improvements. Zoom Session URL (Meeting ID: 381 654 7290; Passcode: carcc). Join the mailing list or send questions to

TBA via email, (usually 2nd Tuesdays): RCD Staff and Student Workforce Development Interest Groups date and time to be announced shortly for an invited speaker. Zoom Session URL (Meeting ID: 867 2543 9159 passcode 165236). Join the Interest Group mailing list.

Additional Community Opportunities

Fri 8/9, 2p ET/ 11a PT (2nd Thursdays/2nd Fridays): US Research Software Engineers monthly community call. See for more information.

Mondays 4p ET/ 3p CT/ 2p MT/ 1p PT: OSG Consortium/PATh Project host weekly Campus Office Hours, Mondays at 3:00–3:30 pm US Central Time. You are invited to join us any week. Zoom: For more information, please contact Christina Koch.Wed 8/14, 2p ET/ 11a PT (2nd Wednesdays): Regulated Research Community of Practice (RRCoP) Community Discussions. This month’s topic will be RRCoP – Then & Now. Please use this Zoom link, and contact or Carolyn Ellis with any questions.

CaRCC Calls and Zoom

All CaRCC People Network calls will take place within a Zoom room communicated via email and visible in the CaRCC People Network google calendar (see top). Please help us keep these details secure (non-public), but feel free to share with a colleague.