Registration is now closed for the third annual RCD Nexus Day, a one-day workshop and networking event for research computing and data (RCD) professionals on Sunday, July 21 from 8:30am to 6:30pm preceding the PEARC24 Conference in Providence, RI. RCD Nexus Day is an official PEARC co-located event, and there’s no additional cost to attend.
The event will be held at the main conference venue, the Rhode Island Convention Center, Fifth Floor Room 551A/B. See full schedule below.

Last year’s Nexus Day was full of energy. Join us and let’s make the 3rd year even better!
Travel support was provided to a limited number of applicants and the application for support is now closed.
RCD Nexus is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant OAC-2100003.
Keep reading to learn about the track topics and detailed event schedule.
Track topics for this year’s event include:
What We’re Facing as RCD Professionals— Spend a day building intentional connections with other RCD professionals as we collectively identify and explore common challenges, experiences, and leading tools and practices of the RCD profession. We will have a large group discussion and also break into smaller groups to explore topics related to your specific Facing(s).
Data Governance and Working with Data — If you’re an RCD professional, chances are your researchers face the challenge of managing data and keeping their data safe, secure, and FAIR. How can your organization best meet your researchers’ needs with available resources? What is the current state of the art for research data lifecycle? Join us for a day of engaging conversion and collaboration, as we work towards outlining a future resource to support secure research data lifecycles. Whether your institution is large or small, we will address issues and offer breakout groups relevant to you.
RCD Nexus Day Schedule
Location: Rhode Island Convention Center, Fifth Floor Room 551A/B
8am Check-in opens, full breakfast, and networking time Room 551A/B
NOTE: PEARC badge pick-up will not yet be open, so please report directly to room 551A/B.
9:00am RCD Nexus Day Opening Session – Room 551A/B
9:15am Divide into tracks – What We’re Facing remains in Room 551A/B; Data Governance moves to 550A/B.
12:15pm Lunch all together – Room 551A/B
1:15pm Return to tracks
2:30pm Networking Break all together – Room 551A/B
5pm-6:30 Networking event – Sabin Place, First Level of Convention Center