Community Calls to Kick off 2024!

As the new year ramps up, please join us and bring along a colleague for the annual CaRCC Parade, Tuesday, January 23, 4-5pm ET (1-2pm PT) for an update on CaRCC activities and how to get involved. Most track-specific calls are also resuming in January.

Mark your calendars for these and other community events, below. For handy calendar entries, try the CaRCC Events Calendar. If you’re not on our mailing lists, please fill out our Join the People Network form and join our Slack channels.

CaRCC People Network Calls

Annual CaRCC Parade (cross-track)

Thu 1/23, 1-2:30p ET/ 12-1:30p CT/ 11am-12:30p MT/ 10-11:30a PT
We will introduce CaRCC for newcomers, talk about the year ahead for CaRCC, and describe opportunities for existing and new members to get more involved. It’s a great way to stay connected with the CaRCC community or kickstart your involvement in CaRCC. It’s also a great way to introduce newcomers to learn more about CaRCC and hear directly from group coordinators, so bring a colleague!

Data-Facing Track (1st Tuesdays)

Tue Jan 2, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT
Round Robin track discussion.

Researcher-Facing Track (2nd Thursdays)

Thu Jan 11, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT
What’s Cool in 2024, Facilitated by the Researcher-Facing Steering Committee
It’s a new year and we need cool new topics to dive into for the researcher-facing track! Please join us at our January call to let us know what RCD topics make you lose your chill. 
– What challenges make your blood run cold?
– Are there some leftover topics we should take out of the deep freeze? 
– What was the most invigorating topic you heard about at PEARC and SC?
This will be a semi-structured conversation as we (polar) plunge into 2024. If you can’t attend, please fill out this survey to vote on topics:

Emerging Centers Track (3rd Wednesdays)

Wed Jan 17, 12p ET/ 11a CT/ 10a MT/ 9a PT

Systems-Facing Track (3rd Thursdays)

Thu Jan 18, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT
Navigating PBS to Slurm Migrations in Production Environments
In the realm of High-Performance Computing (HPC) system administration, batch computing is the primary mechanism by which researchers make use of the system, and most often via a resource scheduler. Resource scheduler requirements can evolve over time, necessitated by user needs, changes in vendor posturing, and other dynamics. For this meeting we’ll hear from two leading institutions that have undertaken migrations from PBS to Slurm on significant HPC systems that were in production. Our first presenter will speak to their technical execution of a seamless migration that went largely unnoticed by end-users. Our second presentation will cover an example that required more user involvement. Both presentations will touch on the required change management, as well as their approach to end-user communications.
Speakers: Ryan Cox, Brigham Young University; Roman Baranowski, Ken Bigelow & Jacob Boschee, University of British Columbia

Strategy and Policy-Facing Track (1st Wednesdays)

No call in January.

Additional Community Opportunities

Tue 1/9, 11a ET/ 8a PT (2nd Tuesdays): RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours – come and go as you please. Have questions about how to get started with the Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model?  Or are you already working with it and just want to discuss the process, or a particular aspect of the assessment tool? Or do you have suggestions for improvements you’d like to see – any and all things CapsModel! Meeting coordinates: Zoom Session URL (Meeting ID: 381 654 7290; Passcode: carcc). Join the mailing list or send questions to

Tue 1/9, 2p ET/ 1p CT/ 12p MT/ 11a PT (2nd Tuesdays): Join the RCD Staff and Student Workforce Development Interest Groups for a brainstorming sessions on possible PEARC topics, submissions and opportunities for collaborations on tutorials and workshops, full and short papers, Birds of a Feather, and poster sessions for the 2024 conference in Providence, RI. This is your chance to collaborate with fellow creators to submit something for the not-to-be-missed premier annual conference for our RCD community! Meeting coordinates: Zoom Session URL (Meeting ID: 867 2543 9159). Join the Interest Group mailing list.

Wed 1/10, 2p ET/ 11a PT (2nd Wednesdays): Regulated Research Community of Practice (RRCoP) All Hands meeting. Please use this Zoom link, and contact or Carolyn Ellis with any questions.

Thu 1/11, 12p ET/ 9a PT (2nd Thursdays/2nd Fridays): US Research Software Engineers monthly community call. See for more information.

No Call (4th Thursdays of even months): EDUCAUSE Research Computing and Data Community Group. See the Events tab within EDUCAUSE Connect for more information.

Mon 4p ET/ 3p CT/ 2p MT/ 1p PT (every Monday): OSG Consortium/PATh project host weekly Campus Office Hours, Mondays at 3:00–3:30 pm US Central Time. You are invited to join us any week. Zoom: For more information, please contact Christina Koch.

Zoom Details for CaRCC Calls

All calls will take place within a Zoom room communicated via email. Please help us keep these details secure (non-public), but feel free to share with a colleague.