The current CaRCC community has at its center the “People Network“, the forum of research computing and data (RCD) professionals, with email lists, Slack channels, monthly virtual discussions, and multiple interest “tracks”. CaRCC also helps to facilitate a set of open discussion-based interest groups and resource-developing working groups. Membership is currently open to RCD and related professionals, noting that at present the focus has been on those supporting research and education.
The People-Network: The people-network is for all of the people who support campus-based research computing and data infrastructure and the use of that infrastructure by researchers and educators.
Create an account on our membership management system and subscribe to any of the People Network tracks and the overall People Network. Existing People Network subscribers can login to update their subscriptions and profile. (Requests to join are moderated by a human before email addresses are subscribed to relevant email lists.)
Working Groups: To express interest in getting involved with the working groups, either e-mail the committee chairs or help@carcc.org.
If you would like to learn more, e-mail us at help@carcc.org