CaRCC comprises three main areas of activity – the People Network, Working & Interest Groups, and Operations Groups. There are several ways to participate in and contribute to CaRCC and the community. The structure and governance of these groups is described in the CaRCC Charter and in the Activities Groups Definitions and Roles document.
People Network
The People Network, at the heart of CaRCC, is for all Research Computing and Data (RCD+) professionals who advance research and research education at their local institutions. Participate via these steps:
- Join the people-network by creating an account on our membership management system, subscribe to email lists for the overall People Network and one more more People Network tracks.
- Check out the People Network Google Calendar for upcoming calls (add this link to your own calendar).
- Join a People Network track call and bring a friend!
For more information: getstarted@carcc.org
The depth of the People Network also affords many opportunities to get involved. These include:
- Suggest call topics
- Participate in call discussions
- Lead, facilitate, or help organize a discussion
- Join a track Steering Committee
- Become a Track Coordinator
Working Groups, Interest Groups, and Operations Groups
Want to do more? Check out the set of coordinated Working Groups and Interest Groups for more information overview and follow the links for specific details and contact information.
Contact us at getinvolved@carcc.org if you need help matching the best activities and your interests, or have further questions.