Background on the Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model

In early 2017, Internet2’s External Advisory Group for Research Engagement started working with the community on a set of questions to help develop cyberinfrastructure readiness on campuses. A workshop bringing elements of the community together was held in December 2018, and a follow-on group of volunteers continued to develop the Capabilities Model resulting in a alpha version ready for community feedback in spring 2019. 

After two very successful workshops at PEARC19 and EDUCAUSE 2019, feedback was incorporated including  renaming the model and the associated working group from the “Research IT Maturity Model” to the “Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model,” in an effort to be more inviting and inclusive in our language; and a number of usability improvements

In late 2019, the working group completed the initial version of a Google-sheets implementation of the assessment tool, incorporating a broad range of aspects and questions that reflect the work of supporting researchers. An associated Introduction and Guide was drafted, as well as an online form to simplify getting access to the assessment tool. 

Read more about the background and development of the model in our paper: A Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model for Strategic Decision-Making.